Sarah Glover
Emendas Blog
Posts by Sarah Glover for Emendas Blog

Chipping Away at Compliance: Corrective Action and Change Management
Course correction is a good and necessary thing. However, for change to be effective rather than disruptive, good change management is necessary. Throwing new policies and processes and equipment against the wall and hoping they stick is not the way to go (especially the throwing equipment part; don’t do that).
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Chipping Away at Compliance: Event Reporting and Management
Sh*t happens! While most of what we do is aimed at preventing incidents and harm of any kind, things can and likely will still go down. And when it hits the fan, these events should be reported and managed appropriately.
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Chipping Away at Compliance: Competency, Training, and Induction
Do your people know what they’re doing? Can you prove it?
It’s important that you can answer both of these questions in the affirmative—and that’s the basis of a competency management system. Internal and external training, inductions, competency records, coaching mentoring, and more all contribute to the bigger competency picture: your organisation as a well-oiled and resilient machine.
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Chipping away at Compliance: Review and Control Risk
The next monthly compliance task is an important one—something that should be built into your systems. In this section, we’re focusing on reviewing risk, choosing controls, and implementing them.
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Chipping away at Compliance: Get Your Roles and Responsibilities Right
Safety cannot be the job of a single person. While directors and managers should be involved, they should not be bogged down with the full daily responsibility of safety management—it’s not an effective way to do things. If you’re a director, your job is to know your approach, know that it works, and make sure that it occurs. It is not to make every decision and oversee every detail in person.
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Chipping away at Compliance: Start With The Quick Wins
This year we’re intending to break the very large and unwieldy topic of compliance down into more digestible pieces—so bookmark our blog and keep coming back! The task of ensuring real compliance across the board is a big one and can be overwhelming. If you can commit to making and implementing one change per month, you’ll be on the right track without the overwhelm.
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Are You Supporting Your Female Team Members to Succeed?
As opportunities open up for women in all industries, including those which were previously male-dominated, there are considerations to be made for a harmonious and healthy work environment.
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Capability Uplift Is An Opportunity Not To Be Missed
When an organisation can recognise talent, nurture it, and uplift its people to progress in their roles and responsibilities, they are winning. From management responsibilities to health and safety roles to human resource responsibilities, there are usually plenty of opportunities to develop internal talent.
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Work-As-Understood: Get On The Same Page
It’s important that both parties are on the same page. When front line workers don’t understand the reason for a process or rule, things can unravel. When managers and directors don’t understand the real conditions, restrictions, and challenges of the front line work, things can unravel even faster.
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Recharge and Come Back Better: Tips For the End-of-Year Period
While there is certainly good reason for the last few weeks of the year to be extra stressful for employees, managers, and business owners alike, it’s not the ideal way to set yourself up for a happy and healthy new year. If you want to come back refreshed and ready in the new year, you need to not only wind down intentionally but make sure your holiday time fills your bucket.
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